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escapism artinya

contoh kalimat "escapism"
  • Escapism is the easiest thing in this world.
    Pelarian hal yang termudah di dunia ini.
  • It's an all-too-healthy way of escapism.
    Ini adalah sebuah cara pelarian yang terlalu sehat.
  • Is escapism, not bravery!
    Apakah pelarian, bukan keberanian!
  • Can I please have a little emotional escapism while we trace his phone?
    Tolong.. bisakah aku memiliki sedikit pelarian emosional sementara kita melacak ponselnya?
  • Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary.
    Film-film fantasi sering memiliki sebuah unsur dari sihir, mitos, keajaiban, eskapisme, dan ke-luar biasa-an.
  • McHale described Artie as a "nerd" who loves the glee club wholeheartedly and uses it as a form of escapism.
    McHale mendeskripsikan Artie sebagai seorang "culun" yang sangat mencintai klub glee sepenuh hatinya.
  • This hidden watering hole distinguishes itself with fresh themes and featured spirits every few months. Learn about the intricate tastes of agave and absinthe, venture into the tropical escapism of Tiki bars, and let the bartenders here regale you with tales of Prohibition-era New Orleans.
    Bar tersembunyi ini selalu memiliki tema dan suguhan minuman beralkohol yang berbeda setiap beberapa bulan. Pelajari cita rasa agave dan absinthe nan rumit, masuki dunia tropis bar Tiki, dan biarkan bartender di sini memanjakan Anda dengan kisah New Orleans di era Pelarangan.
    Kata benda
  • an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy; "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life"; "his alcohol problem was a form of escapism"
    Sinonim: escape,