Masuk Daftar

exceptionally artinya

contoh kalimat "exceptionally"
  • I'm going to be exceptionally charming to them.
    Aku akan bersikap sangat baik di depan mereka.
  • Everybody in Flatland is, of course, exceptionally flat.
    Semua orang di Flatland adalah, tentu saja, sangat datar.
  • An exceptionally rounded young woman. She's attending Princeton this fall.
    Dia akan masuk Princeton musim gugur ini.
  • The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object.
    Cawan Api memiliki kekuatan magis yang tinggi.
  • Going out like this, isn't the scenery exceptionally beautiful?
    Yang lewat disini Tempat ini cantik
  • It's just they tend to be exceptionally hard to reach.
    Ini hanya mereka cenderung sangat sulit dijangkau.
  • Malee, you look exceptionally beautiful today you know.
    Malee, kau terlihat amat cantik hari ini.
  • I think you'll find this exceptionally smooth.
    Menurutku kau akan merasa minuman ini sangat halus.
  • Sir, you'll find this vintage exceptionally to your liking.
    Tuan, anggur ini akan sangat sesuai dengan keinginanmu.
  • And you'll get exceptionally good results.
    Dan kau akan mendapat hasil yang bagus tanpa kecuali.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • to an exceptional degree; "it worked exceptionally well"

  • to an exceptional degree; "it worked exceptionally well"