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fabrication artinya

pengucapan: [ ˌfæbri'keiʃən ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "fabrication"
  • Kazimierz Jasiński supposed that whole Narbutt's account was fabrication.
    Kazimierz Jasiński menyebutkan bahwa seluruh catatan Narbutt difabrikasi.
  • Not everything your father says is a complete fabrication.
    Tak semua ucapan ayahmu dikarang-karang.
  • It comprises the harvesting, Metal fabrication ,
    Anda perlu tahu bagaimana logam, dan lain-lain.
  • Group alpha, you are charged in seeping of fabrication.
    Kelompok alpha, Kamu akan dikenakan di seeping dari isapan jempol.
  • When I get my fabrication methods perfected.
    Jika metode pembuatanku sudah sempurna.
  • It was all a fabrication of Quilok.
    Ini semua adalah kepalsuan Quilok.
  • Item number three this morning, we've got some fabrication concerns.
    Pagi ini bahan no 3, kita punya masalah pada pembuatan
  • Hey, that fabrication room's pretty cool.
    Hei, ruangan fabrikasi itu cukup keren.
  • Pakistan called the report a "fabrication".
    Pakistan menyebut laporan itu sebagai "kebohongan".
  • The fabrication of kīla is quite diverse.
    Cara pembuatan kīla cukup beragam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
    Sinonim: lying, prevarication,

  • the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
    Sinonim: assembly,

  • the act of making something (a product) from raw materials; "the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals"; "an improvement in the manufacture of explosives"; "manufacturing is vital to Great Britain"
    Sinonim: manufacture, manufacturing,

  • writing in a fictional form
    Sinonim: fictionalization, fictionalisation,

  • a deliberately false or improbable account
    Sinonim: fiction, fable,