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falcon artinya

kata benda plural: falcons   
contoh kalimat "falcon"
  • It may be a game to you, Falcon.
    Ini Mungkin permainan untuk Anda , Falcon .
  • We gotta get back for the Falcon game. Come on.
    Kita kembali bermain Falkon sekarang, ayo.
  • Better known in terror-for-pay cyber circles as the Falcon.
    Lebih dikenal di dunia cyber sebagai Falcon.
  • Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe.
    Bagaikan Bahtera perjanjian seperti Kapal Maltese Falcon.
  • Did your men deactivate... the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon?
    Apa orang-orangmu menonaktifkan hyperdrive di Millennium Falcon?
  • I'm not here to discuss games, Falcon.
    Aku tidak di sini untuk mendiskusikan permainan , Falcon .
  • Falcon Patrol reporting unidentified trespass at the waterfront.
    Patroli Falcon melaporkan adanya penyusup tak dikenal di dermaga.
  • I love how it works in "Falcon Crest."
    Aku suka cara kerjanya dalam "Falcon Crest."
  • I'm going to have to sell my Millennium Falcon.
    Aku akan harus menjual saya Millennium Falcon .
  • Uh, could you send Dr. Falcon up, please?
    Eh, bisa kamu suruh Dr. Falcon keatas?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight

  • Kata kerja
  • hunt with falcons; "The tribes like to falcon in the desert"