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favorable artinya

pengucapan: [ 'feiərəbl ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "favorable"
  • And our last performance review was mostly favorable.
    Dan menurut laporan performa terakhir kami yang terfavorit.
  • It happens this information is favorable to the defendant.
    Informasi ini adalah baik mendukung kepada terdakwa.
  • A chance encounter, to gauge reaction? Certain to be favorable.
    Ada kesempatan bertemu, untuk menarik perhatian?
  • If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing,
    Jika habitatnya tak menguntungkan Untuk melakukan pengasuhan..,..
  • Then we will look forward to your favorable reply.
    Kami akan menunggu "Kabar Baik Anda".
  • Your planets and stars are in a favorable position.
    Planet dan bintangmu Berada dalam posisi yang menguntungkan.
  • Some males can fly unde favorable conditions.
    Beberapa semut jantan bisa tebang di bawah cuaca yang menguntungkan.
  • All we need is some favorable winds
    Semua yang kita butuhkan adalah sedikit hembusan angin.
  • An Act of War received generally favorable reviews.
    An Act of War secara umum menuai ulasan positif.
  • The most favorable time to the enemy would be dawn.
    Waktu yang paling menguntungkan untuk musuh akan fajar.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate; "the days were fair and the winds were favorable"
    Sinonim: favourable,

  • encouraging or approving or pleasing; "a favorable reply"; "he received a favorable rating"; "listened with a favorable ear"; "made a favorable impression"
    Sinonim: favourable,

  • Kata sifat
  • presaging or likely to bring good luck; "a favorable time to ask for a raise"; "lucky stars"; "a prosperous moment to make a decision"
    Sinonim: golden, favourable, lucky, prosperous,

  • occurring at a convenient or suitable time; "an opportune time to receive guests"
    Sinonim: favourable,

  • inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile; "a government friendly to our interests"; "an amicable agreement"
    Sinonim: friendly, well-disposed,