Masuk Daftar

feathery artinya

contoh kalimat "feathery"
  • Who's the feathery heart and soul of our boat?
    Siapa yang menjadi jantung dan hati kapal kita?
  • Don't make me drown your feathery ass.
    Jangan membuat saya tenggelam pantat berbulu Anda.
  • Well, I particularly like this, uh... gold feathery number.
    Well, I particularly like this, uh... gold feathery number.
  • It's way too feathery and fleshy and
    Ini terlalu berbulu dan berdaging dan
  • I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here.
    Berdoa kepada Castiel agar turun ke bawah sini.
  • Nothing more than a feathery spring roll.
    Tidak lebih dari lumpia berbulu.
  • Polly here is the feathery heart and soul of the boat.
    Polly di sini menjadi hati dan jiwa kapal ini.
  • She is the feathery heart and soul of the boat.
    Dia adalah makhluk berbulu yang menjadi jantung dan jiwa kapal.
  • Feathery brown like an owl's wing.
    Coklat berbulu seperti sayap burung hantu.
  • Bring your feathery ass here.
    Bawa pantat berbulu Anda di sini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata sifat
  • adorned with feathers or plumes
    Sinonim: feathered, plumy,

  • characterized by a covering of feathers; "the feathery congregation of jays"

  • resembling or suggesting a feather or feathers; "feathery palm trees"
    Sinonim: featherlike,