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filament artinya

kata benda plural: filaments   
contoh kalimat "filament"
  • Gosh, you really can see the filaments there.
    Wah, Anda benar-benar dapat melihat filamen sana.
  • I gave the patient a drug that regresses the filaments.
    Saya memberi pasien obat yang regresi filamen.
  • It is a triode, with the filament being the cathode.
    Ini adalah triode, sedangkan filamen adalah katoda.
  • The filaments are usually separate from one another.
    Filamen-filamen biasanya terpisah satu sama lain.
  • Two of the six stamens have shorter filaments.
    Dua dari enam benang sari memiliki filamen yang lebih pendek.
  • Are those heat filaments for the skin?
    Apa itu filamen panas untuk kulit?
  • Filaments, polygons, cylinders, spheres... even icosahedrons.
    Filamen, poligon, silinder, bola bahkan icosahedron.
  • She had illumine scent and filaments installed.
    Dia memasang filamen fotoluminesen.
  • It is surrounded by a network of galaxy filaments, clusters, and voids.
    Dikelilingi oleh jaringan filamen galaksi, gugusan, dan ruang hampa.
  • This porcelain crab ... has a fan of filaments on his front legs.
    Ini kepiting porselen memiliki penggemar filamen di kaki depannya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current

  • a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells)
    Sinonim: filum,

  • the stalk of a stamen

  • a very slender natural or synthetic fiber
    Sinonim: fibril, strand,