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fireside artinya

contoh kalimat "fireside"
  • And welcome to the very first mayor's fireside chat.
    Dan selamat datang musyawarah walikota pertama.
  • You're planning to run your first fireside chat holding a newborn?
    Kau berencana melakukan diskusi pertamamu sambill menggendong bayi?
  • By the Gnome’s Fireside ? The Gnome's Garden
    Oleh Gnome ini Fireside ? Garden Gnome ini
  • At the same time, Isabella and the Fireside Girls are starting the stage building.
    Pada saat yang sama, Isabella dan Gadis Pramuka memulai pembangunan panggung.
  • Privacy Policy – Fireside Inn – Morro Bay – United States of America
    Polisi privasi – Fireside Inn – Morro Bay – Amerika Syarikat
  • You're really gonna let Captain Ahab just waltz in there and have a fireside chat with Skye's mum?
    Kau membiarkan Kapten Ahab pergi kesana dan mengobrol di dekat perapian bersama Ibunya Skye?
  • Outing is filled with Fun Games activities, Fireside and closed with 9km rafting on the river Citarik.
    Outing diisi dengan kegiatan Fun Games, Api Unggun dan ditutup dengan Rafting sepanjang 9km di sungai Citarik.
  • Local folk trio Will-o'-the-wisp will be playing live in the studio, and I'll be taking your calls on my ever popular fireside phone-in.
    Trio lokal Will-o-The-Wisp akan siaran langsung di studio, dan aku akan menjawab telponmu dengan penuh antusias.
  • Think of it more along the lines of a friendly fireside chat about the efficacy of the funding disbursement process for the Federal Joint-Task Force system.
    Anggap saja lebih sepanjang garis dari perapian mengobrol tentang kemanjuran proses pencairan dana untuk sistem Federal Joint-Task Force.
  • SAAT President Martus Adinugraha Maleachi, Ph.D., and Trinity President Kurt D. Dykstra, J.D., signed the MoU in Trinity’s Vermeer Fireside Room on Thursday, May 3.
    Ketua STT SAAT Martus Adinugraha Maleachi Ph.D dan Kurt D.Dykstra,J.D., President dari Trinity Christian College melakukan penandatanganan MoU pada tanggal 3 Mei 2018 di Vermeer Fireside Room di kampus Trinity Christian College.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata benda
  • home symbolized as a part of the fireplace; "driven from hearth and home"; "fighting in defense of their firesides"
    Sinonim: hearth,

  • an area near a fireplace (usually paved and extending out into a room); "they sat on the hearth and warmed themselves before the fire"
    Sinonim: hearth,