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fizzle artinya

kata kerja past tense: fizzled   kata kerja past continuous: fizzled   kata kerja present continuous: fizzling   
contoh kalimat "fizzle"
  • fizzle out:    gagal; menghilang; melemahkan
  • fizzing:    mendesis
  • fizzed:    mendesis
  • fizz:    mendesis; bergelembung; gelegak; membuih; berbusa; bercahaya; mencerlang; berbinar-binar; buih; menggerlap; berbuih; menggeridip; berkilau; berdesis
  • fizzled:    mendesis
  • fizkin island:    pulau fizkin
  • fizzled out:    gagal
  • fizing:    mendesis(minuman)
  • fizzling:    mendesis
  • Makes it sound like his bombs just fizzle.
    Membuatnya terdengar seperti bom nya hanya semakin melemah.
  • I have a piece of the Fizzle Bomber's timer.
    Aku punya potongan waktu Fizzle Bomber.
  • Not with a fizzle, but with a bang.
    Tidak dengan desis, tapi dengan keras.
  • Because of the big, bad Fizzle Bomber?
    Karena Fizzle Bomber yang besar dan buruk?
  • But the Fizzle Bomber's still out there.
    Tapi Fizzle Bomber masih di luar sana.
  • The press have dubbed him the Fizzle Bomber.
    Perstelahdijulukidia Bomber Fizzle (pengebom gagal)
  • You think I might be the Fizzle Bomber?
    Kau pikir aku Fizzle Bomber?
  • In inexperienced hands, the invocation has a way of fizzling out.
    Di tangan tak berpengalaman, mantra itu bisa gagal.
  • "Fizzle Bomber" is easier to remember.
    "Bomber Fizzle" lebih mudah untuk diingat.
  • What if you're the Fizzle Bomber?
    Bagaimana jika kau yang Fizzle Bomber?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
    Sinonim: flop, bust,

  • a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience"
    Sinonim: hiss, hissing, hushing, sibilation,

  • Kata kerja
  • end weakly; "The music just petered out--there was no proper ending"
    Sinonim: taper off, peter out, fizzle out,