flatiron artinya
- In the Flatiron district.
Seseorang mengambil alih unit kontrol elektronik mobil tersebut. Kita tak bisa melawan teknologi. - Heard about the shoot-out in the Flatiron district.
Aku tak pernah menyentuh putrimu. - Address for the fence in the Flatiron district.
Dimana aku? Tempat dimana anda tidak akan diserang oleh orang-orang yang mencoba membunuh anda. - Europe Modern Architecture oil painting , New Landmark Flatiron Building Oil Paintings
lukisan minyak Eropa Arsitektur Modern, Lukisan Minyak New Landmark Flatiron Building - The Flatiron District is part of New York City's Manhattan Community Board 5.
Flatiron District adalah bagian dari Manhattan Community Board 5 di New York City. - Agent Farnsworth traced the call to Murphy's cuff back to an industrial park in the Flatiron District.
Agen Farnsworth menelusuri panggilan masuknya Murphy Mengarah ke taman industri di Distrik Flatiron. - St. Martin's Press is a book publisher headquartered in the Flatiron Building in Manhattan, New York City.
St. Martin's Press adalah sebuah penerbitan buku yang bermarkas besar di Flatiron Building, Manhattan, New York City. - The Flatiron District encompasses within its boundaries the Ladies' Mile Historic District and the birthplace of Theodore Roosevelt, a National Historic Site.
Wilayah Flatiron District meliputi Ladies' Mile Historic District dan tempat kelahiran Theodore Roosevelt, sebuah Situs Bersejarah Nasional. - When the tower is looked at from the west, its shape recalls the shape of the Flatiron Building built in 1902 in New York City.
Apabila kita melihat menara dari barat, bentuknya mirip seperti Flatiron Building yang dibangun pada 1902 di New York City. - This section supplements our Global Privacy Policy to provide more information about some of the ways in which we use your information that are specific to Flatiron School.
Bagian ini melengkapi Kebijakan Privasi Global kami untuk menyediakan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beberapa cara kami dalam menggunakan informasi Anda yang berkaitan dengan Flatiron School.
Kata benda
- an iron that was heated by placing it on a stove