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flicker artinya

pengucapan: [ 'flikə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: flickered   kata kerja past continuous: flickered   kata benda plural: flickers   kata kerja present continuous: flickering   
contoh kalimat "flicker"
  • We get a flicker here and a glimmer there.
    Kita dapat ide dan harapan disini
  • They flicker with a strange, cold, white faraway light.
    Mereka berkedip dengan aneh, dingin, putih Jauh cahaya.
  • She was talking about scratching, flickering lights.
    Dia tadi bilang tentang suara garutan dan lampu yang berkedip.
  • "That light which flickers far off in the distance"
    Bahwa cahaya yang berkelip-kelip jauh di kejauhan '
  • Dr. Flicker, where is all this talk leading?
    Dr Flicker , di mana semua pembicaraan terkemuka ?
  • Her doctorate was on the diet of the northern flicker.
    Gelar Doktornya di makanan burung flicker utara.
  • Just what is the diet of the northern flicker woodpecker?
    apa makanan bagi pelatuk flicker bagian utara?
  • I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
    Aku sudah pernah melihat masa kejayaanku,
  • These lights have been flickering, these ones that are in the ceiling.
    Lampu yang ada di langit-langit berkedip.
  • You know, no flickering lights, no gust of wind.
    tak ada lampu yg berkelip tak ada hembusan angin?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of moving back and forth
    Sinonim: waver, flutter,

  • North American woodpecker

  • a momentary flash of light
    Sinonim: spark, glint,

  • Kata kerja
  • move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
    Sinonim: waver, flitter, flutter, quiver,

  • flash intermittently; "The lights flicked on and off"
    Sinonim: flick,

  • shine unsteadily; "The candle flickered"
    Sinonim: flick,