fount artinya
- Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Datanglah, sumber dari segala berkah-Mu. - Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Datanglah, sumber dari segala berkah-Mu - The jurisdiction, Cebu, is considered as the fount of Christianity in the Far East.
Cebu dianggap sebagai pancuran Kekristenan di Timur Jauh. - To thee have We granted the Fount (ofAbundance).
Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepadamu nikmat yang banyak. - This monument is referred to in the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.
Monumen ini dirujuk dalam sejumlah nyanyian antara lain Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. - The monarch is the "fount of honour", the source of all honours and dignities in the United Kingdom.
Penguasa monarki adalah "tulang punggung kehormatan", sumber dari seluruh penghormatan dan dignitas di Britania Raya. - O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.
O, Sumber Kehidupan, Kerahiman Ilahi yang tak terselami, naungilah segenap dunia dan curahkanlah diri-Mu pada kami. - That was the fount and origin of the famous declaration about the National Home for Jews in Palestine.
Itu menjadi penghimpunan dan permulaan dari deklarasi terkenal tentang Tanah Air Nasional bagi Yahudi di Palestina. - The second chapter of his book, The Fount of Wisdom, titled "Concerning Heresies", presents a series of discussions between Christians and Muslims.
Bab kedua bukunya, The Fount of Wisdom, berjudul "Tentang Bid'ah", menyajikan serangkaian diskusi antara Kristen dan Muslim. - The sovereign is deemed the "fount of justice"; although the sovereign does not personally rule in judicial cases, judicial functions are performed in his or her name.
Penguasa berdaulat dianggap menjadi "tulang punggung keadilan"; meskipun penguasa berdaulat tak secara pribadi memerintah dalam kasus-kasus yudisial, fungsi-fungsi yudisial ditampilkan atas namanya.
Kata benda
- a plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water
Sinonim: fountain,
- a specific size and style of type within a type family
Sinonim: font, typeface, face, case,