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functionality artinya

contoh kalimat "functionality"
  • And therefore, each component had to have a dual functionality.
    Maka, setiap komponen harus dwi fungsi.
  • Your liver functionality is already well below normal.
    Fungsi liver Anda sudah jauh di bawah normal.
  • And these copied cells contain remote-access functionality.
    Dan sel tiruan ini memuat kemampuan akses dari jarak jauh.
  • A few test cases usually suffice to confirm core functionality.
    Beberapa kasus uji cukup menentukan fungsi inti.
  • The QtMultimedia module implements low-level multimedia functionality.
    QtMultimedia modul mengimplementasikan fungsi multimedia tingkat rendah.
  • So, the user does not need to learn the functionality.
    Pengguna juga tidak harus tahu mengenai sistem operasi.
  • Each slot has the identical functionality except their toasting time.
    Semua penari menggunakan alat bantu ebeg, kecuali penthul-tembem.
  • It also includes foreign exchange and money markets trading functionality.
    Ini juga termasuk devisa dan uang fungsi pasar perdagangan.
  • In the 16th e-mail you raised concerns about the site's functionality.
    Pada email ke-16 Anda menunjukkan keprihatinan tentang fungsionalitas situs.
  • I want the two remaining Jaegers back to 100% functionality.
    Aku ingin dua Jaeger yang tersisa kembali berfungsi 100 %.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • capable of serving a purpose well; "software with greater functionality"