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furnace artinya

pengucapan: [ 'fə:nis ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "furnace"
  • We're gonna go and move into the actual furnace room.
    Kami akan menuju ke ruang perapian.
  • My furnace operator didn't show up today.
    Operator tungku saya didn apos; t muncul hari ini.
  • Yet even this furnace can be transformed by water.
    Tapi tempat inipun bisa dirubah oleh air.
  • They found a lot of ashes in the furnace.
    Mereka menemukan banyak abu di tungku perapian.
  • They took her down to the furnace about 20 minutes ago.
    Mereka membawanya 20 menit lalu.
  • For ordinary men, it's a burning fiery furnace.
    Bagi orang biasa ini akan amat menyiksa.
  • So, when you fire, you gotta be standing in the furnace.
    kau harus berdiri berdekatan.
  • The dumbwaiter is across from the furnace.
    Kereta dengan rak makanan adalah jarak lintas dari tungku perapian.
  • I'll be shoveling coal in a furnace, Mum.
    Aku akan menyekop batu bara dalam tungku perapian, Mum.
  • We're gonna make phenylacetone in a tube furnace.
    Kita akan membuat phenylacetone dalam tabung pembakaran.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.