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furore artinya

contoh kalimat "furore"
  • I'm told there was a furore yesterday.
    Ku dengar ada kehebohan kemarin.
  • Veeran's attack has raised a furore.
    serangan Veeran telah membuat onar.
  • As I understand it, his evidence could cause a mighty furore.
    Seperti yang saya pahami, bukti nya dapat menyebabkan kehebohan perkasa.
  • Here she causes furore.
    Hal ini mengakibatkan kebuntuan.
  • Bollywood woke up to a furore as... Mahi Arora and Aryan Khanna's tapes were leaked online.
    Bollywood menjadi heboh ketika rekaman Mahi Arora dan Aryan Khanna tersebar secara online.
  • The news created a furore prompting him to clarify that Hilton won't be playing Mother Teresa.
    Berita tersebut membuat kehebohan sehingga membuatnya menyatakan bahwa Hilton tidak akan memerankan Bunda Teresa.
  • The furore surrounding the band saw every show selling out and some venues having to be upgraded to handle the demand.
    Kehebohan seputar band melihat setiap acara menjual keluar dan beberapa tempat telah ditingkatkan untuk menangani permintaan.
  • And to you, the key moment that has led to this was the furore over the pensions reform last year.
    Dan bagi Anda, momen kunci yang menyebabkan hal ini adalah kehebohan atas reformasi pensiun tahun lalu.
  • Noel Gallagher told The Observer in September that he hoped Damon Albarn and Alex James of Blur would "catch AIDS and die", which caused a media furore.
    Noel Gallagher menyatakan dalam The Observer bahwa dia berharap Damon Albarn dan Alex James “mendapatkan AIDS dan mati”, yang menyebabkan media menjadi riuh.
  • During a tour of the Philippines the month after the Yesterday and Today furore, the Beatles unintentionally snubbed the nation's first lady, Imelda Marcos, who had expected them to attend a breakfast reception at the Presidential Palace.
    Dalam tur ke Filipina setelah perilisan Yesterday and Today, The Beatles tak sengaja membuat ibu negara, Imelda Marcos, merasa tersinggung karena menolak jamuan sarapan istana kepresidenan di Manila.
    Kata benda
  • a sudden outburst (as of protest)
    Sinonim: furor,

  • an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
    Sinonim: fad, craze, furor, cult, rage,