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gasp artinya

pengucapan: [ gɑ:sp ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: gasped   kata kerja past continuous: gasped   kata benda plural: gasps   kata kerja present continuous: gasping   
contoh kalimat "gasp"
  • He gasps to the operator, "My friend is dead.
    Dia berbicara dengan terengah-engah, "Teman saya meninggal.
  • [ Whispering ] You have blue hair! - [ Gasps ]
    [Berbisik] Anda memiliki rambut biru!
  • Help! [ Horn blaring ] [ Gasping ]
    Tolong! Aku telah menunggu terlalu lama untuk ini.
  • [ Gasps ] Reina, I am shocked by your behavior. Shocked!
    Reina, Aku kecewa dengan tingkahmu!
  • Aiden, are you okay? [ Gasps ] Aiden, wake up.
    Aiden, kau baik-baik saja? Aiden, bangunlah.
  • The audience gasped when they heard the difference.
    Khalayak menahan nafas ketika mereka mendengar perbedaannya.
  • [ Loud Crash ] - [ Crowd Gasping ]
    [Loud Crash] - [Crowd Sambil terengah-engah]
  • With its last gasp, it becomes a red giant.
    Dengan yang terakhir terkesiap, itu menjadi raksasa merah.
  • [ Growling ] [ Gasps ] Be quiet.
    [yang Suka] [situ menarik nafas terkejut] Diam.
  • [ Gasps ] You scared the hell out of me.
    [Terengah-engah] Anda takut neraka keluar dari saya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open; "she gave a gasp and fainted"
    Sinonim: pant,

  • Kata kerja
  • breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
    Sinonim: pant, puff, heave,