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geographer artinya

contoh kalimat "geographer"
  • Vallejo graduated as geographer in July 2013.
    Vallejo lulus sebagai ahli geografi pada bulan Juli 2013.
  • Stein was also an ethnographer, geographer, linguist and surveyor.
    Stein juga seorang etnografer, geografer, linguistikawan, dan surveyor.
  • The geographer Strabo claimed that, in antiquity, the volcano was forested.
    Ahli geografi Strabo mengklaim bahwa, pada jaman dahulu, gunung berapi ini berhutan.
  • -I am a geographer, said the old gentleman.
    "Saya seorang ahli geografi," kata Monsieur tua.
  • -We do not record flowers, said the geographer.
    "Kami tidak memperhatikan bunga-bunga itu," kata si ahli geografi.
  • -I couldn't tell you, said the geographer.
    "Aku tidak bisa mengetahuinya," kata si ahli geografi.
  • Get your own domain name for your geographer business
    Dapatkan nama domain Anda sendiri untuk bisnis geografi Anda
  • He was an astronomer, historian, geographer philosopher, poet, theater critic and mathematician.
    Dia adalah seorang astronom, sejarawan, geografi Filsuf, penyair, kritikus teater dan matematika.
  • 476 BC), son of Hegesander, was an early Greek historian and geographer.
    476 SM), putra Hegesander, merupakan seorang sejarahwan dan Ahli geografi Yunani .
  • His younger brother, Alexander von Humboldt, was famous as a geographer, naturalist, and explorer.
    Adiknya, Alexander von Humboldt, tidak kalah terkenalnya, sebagai naturalis dan ilmuwan.
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    Kata benda
  • an expert on geography