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geography artinya

pengucapan: [ dʒi'ɔgrəfi, 'dʒiɔg- ]  audio:
kata benda plural: geographies   
contoh kalimat "geography"
  • Geography, history, Latin, Spanish, French, Latin
    Geografi, sejarah, Bahasa Latin, Bahasa Spanyol, Bahasa Prancis Bahasa Latin
  • Because the sign on the door says 'Geography club'
    Karena di pintu tertulis tanda klub geografi.
  • Chess team captain, Division 3 Collegiate Geography Bee
    Kapten tim Catur, Divisi 3 Collegiate Geografi Bee
  • Did you call me here to teach me Geography?
    Kau menyuruhku kesini cuma mau mengajariku geografi?
  • Also, some geography fieldwork involves a traffic count.
    Kerja lapangan geografi juga membutuhkan cacahan lalu lintas.
  • The geography may be a little difficult to arrange. - Paul, table 30.
    sepertinya agak susah mengaturnya.
  • I know they eat dogs from my Geography book.
    Aku tahu mereka makan anjing dari buku geografiiku
  • Back to geography and things that we know.
    Kembali ke ilmu bumi dan hal-hal yang kita ketahui.
  • Algebra, geometry, physics, chem, bio, history, english, geography..
    Aljabar, geometry, fisika, kimia, biologi, sejarah, bahasa inggris, geography..
  • If I want to get that geography professor's post -
    Jika aku ingin memberikan Professor geografi posisi
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • study of the earth''s surface; includes people''s responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation
    Sinonim: geographics,