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gironde artinya

contoh kalimat "gironde"
  • The Gironde flows into the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay).
    Gironde mengalir ke Samudera Atlantik (Teluk Biscay).
  • Henrik was born in Talence, Gironde, France.
    Henrik lahir di Talence, Gironde, Prancis.
  • It is the capital of Aquitaine, as well as the prefecture of the Gironde department.
    Dia adalah ibu kota région Aquitaine, dan juga prefektur département Gironde.
  • The Battle of Bordeaux was a naval engagement of the Franco-Spanish War of 1635 fought on 20 October 1653 in the Gironde estuary.
    Pertempuran Bordeaux adalah konfrontasi maritim pada Franco-Spanish Perang 1635 dimana pertempuran ini dimulai pada tanggal 20 Oktober 1653 di muara sungai Gironde.
  • A century later, in the Late Middle Ages, a 40-foot (12 m) tower was built by Edward the Black Prince at Cordouan near the Gironde estuary.
    Satu abad kemudian, pada Abad Pertengahan Akhir, sebuah menara setinggi 40 kaki dibangun oleh Edward sang Pangeran Hitam di Cordouan dekat Gironde, Prancis.
  • Météo-France issued its second highest warning (orange) for 27 February and early 28 February for Andorra, Ain, Ariège, Cantal, Finistère, Haute-Garonne, Gironde, Isère, Loire, Haute-Loire and Hautes-Pyrénées.
    Météo-France mengeluarkan peringatan tertinggi kedua (oranye) untuk 27 Februari dan awal 28 Februari untuk Andorra, Ain, Ariège, Cantal, Finistère, Haute-Garonne, Gironde, Isère, Loire, Haute-Loire dan Hautes-Pyrénées.
  • It is currently divided between the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (departments of Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, southwestern Gironde, and southern Lot-et-Garonne) and the region of Occitanie (departments of Gers, Hautes-Pyrénées, southwestern Tarn-et-Garonne, and western Haute-Garonne).
    Gascogne saat ini terdiri dari region Aquitaine (departemen Landes, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde barat daya, dan Lot-et-Garonne selatan) dan region Midi-Pyrénées (departemen Gers, Hautes-Pyrénées, Tarn-et-Garonne barat daya, dan Haute-Garonne barat).
  • According to Smithsonian magazine, the first Fresnel lens was used in 1823 in the Cordouan lighthouse at the mouth of the Gironde estuary; its light could be seen from more than 20 miles (32 km) out.
    Menurut majalah Smithsonian, lensa Fresnel yang pertama digunakan pada tahun 1823 pada mercusuar Cordouan di tanjung muara Gironde, sinar cahaya yang dipancarkan mampu terlihat dari jarak 20 mil (32 km).
  • The Girondins were a group of loosely affiliated individuals rather than an organized political party and the name was at first informally applied because the most prominent exponents of their point of view were deputies to the Legislative Assembly from the département of Gironde in southwest France.
    Nama Girondin awalnya digunakan secara tidak resmi tokoh-tokohnya merupakan anggota perwakilan Majelis Legislatif dari Departemen Gironde di Prancis barat daya.
  • Bordeaux - The French city, the capital of the Gironde department. It is the largest city in France plaschadi. Its population of nearly a million people. Here, in 1990, the company IKEA It built its first store in Bordeaux.
    Bordeaux - Kota Prancis, ibu kota departemen Gironde. Ini adalah kota terbesar di Perancis dengan plakat. Populasinya hampir satu juta orang. Di sini, di tahun 1990, perusahaan IKEA membangun toko pertamanya di Bordeaux.