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glue artinya

pengucapan: [ glu: ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: glued   kata kerja past continuous: glued   kata kerja present continuous: gluing   
contoh kalimat "glue"
  • Yeah, and the old tub is still glued together.
    Yeah, dan bak mandi tua masih direkatkan.
  • Did you take the glue off the stove?
    Foma , telah dihapus lem dari api ?
  • That courtesy is the glue that holds society together.
    Kesopanan yang lem yang memegang masyarakat bersama-sama.
  • I'll starve. I'll have to eat envelope glue.
    l'll kelaparan. Aku akan harus makan lem amplop.
  • You got at least 15 grams of super glue.
    Anda punya setidaknya 15 gram lem super.
  • Spare parts, super glue, and a lot of batteries.
    Suku cadang, lem super, dan banyak baterai.
  • Wow, we've been glued at the hip ever since.
    Kami sudah mendengar ceriat itu dari dulu.
  • There's something sticky like glue in my brush.
    Ada sesuatu yang lengket seperti lem di sisirku.
  • I'd still be glued to Sam and Dean.
    Aku masih akan terikat pada Sam dan Dean.
  • Looks like they sniffed some fumes from all that paint and glue.
    Terlihat seperti kurang meyakinkan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
    Sinonim: gum, mucilage,

  • Kata kerja
  • be fixed as if by glue; "His eyes were glued on her"

  • join or attach with or as if with glue; "paste the sign on the wall"; "cut and paste the sentence in the text"
    Sinonim: paste,