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h artinya

kata benda plural: hs   
contoh kalimat "h"
  • Jesus H. Christ, I think you've got a hard-on.
    Oh Tuhanku, sepertinya kau dalam keadaan parah.
  • Come on, H. Youve gotta do better than that.
    Anda akan perlu untuk berbuat lebih baik.
  • That's my point! H for heart and for hurt.
    "H" untuk hatimu dan juga untuk hampa.
  • Huh-huh-hun-hun h... I think I'll go get some reinforcements
    Kurasa aku akan memanggil beberapa bala bantuan.
  • H - He doesn't want to go anywhere.
    Dia tidak ingin pergi ke mana pun .
  • Nick Fury, Director of S. H . I. E. L. D.
    Nick Fury, Direktur dari S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • H - How did you know where we were?
    Bagaimana kau tahu kemana kami akan pergi?
  • The police hasn't ruled out suicide. Goert H., who suffered from depression
    Goert Eikster mengalami depresi.
  • Hey, leckie, you're not in "h" company anymore.
    Hei, Leckie, kamu tidak di kompi H lagi.
  • He assigned me to any "h" company patrols.
    Dia menugaskan aku untuk ikut patroli kompi H.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet
    Sinonim: H,

  • the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to its frequency; approximately 6.626 x 10^-34 joule-second
    Sinonim: Planck''s constant,