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hanged artinya

contoh kalimat "hanged"
  • Or see you hanged at Judge Parker's convenience.
    Atau melihatmu di tiang gantungan milik Hakim Parker.
  • You will be hanged by the neck until dead.
    Anda akan digantung di leher sampai mati.
  • That criminal, is to be hanged for his crimes.
    Penjahat itu, dia akan digantung atas kejahatannya.
  • And, uh, well, I believe the men were hanged.
    Dan, uh, aku percaya mereka sudah digantung
  • With the hanged man, the seat of the soul.
    Dengan 'laki-laki yang tergantung', tempat duduk jiwa.
  • That's ironic, considering how you hanged my reputation tonight.
    Ironis, mengingat kau menghancurkan reputasiku malam ini.
  • "Words don't affect you, you should be hanged."
    "Words don't affect you, you should be hanged."
  • Martinique, Nevis... their magistrates hanged men for piracy.
    Martinique, Nevis... Hakim mereka digantung pria untuk pembajakan.
  • Both were hanged before dawn on 15 January 2007.
    Mereka digantung sebelum fajar 15 Januari 2007.
  • As a result, he was hanged by Hizir Pasha.
    Akibatnya, ia dihukum gantung oleh Hizir Pasha.
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