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heaven artinya

pengucapan: [ 'hevən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: heavens   
contoh kalimat "heaven"
  • And if you comply, you will go to heaven.
    Jika anda mematuhinya, anda akan masuk surga.
  • Good heavens, this is war, not a garden party!
    Astaga, ini adalah perang, bukan pesta kebun!
  • Should I fail to appear, Heaven will punish me.
    Jika aku tidak datang, Surga akan menghukumku.
  • And thou shalt have treasure in heaven. "
    Dan engkau akan memperoleh harta di surga. "
  • I pray heaven he stays away from you.
    Aku berdoa surga ia tetap jauh dari Anda.
  • That is, unless it has returned to Earth from Heaven.
    Kecuali kitab itu jatuh dari langit
  • In those heavens, there are some worlds much like hell.
    Dilangit, ada beberapa dunia seperti neraka.
  • Our planet is, in comparison, much like a heaven.
    Planet kita adalah, jika dibandingkan, seperti surga.
  • "which in old days moved Earth and heaven.
    "which in old days moved Earth and heaven.
  • I have to do so I need to report to Heaven Emperor
    Ini "Perintah Kaisar Langit".
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