hedgerow artinya
kata benda plural: hedgerows
- hedgehopping: menerbangkan amat rendah
- hedgehopped: terbang rendah diatas tanah
- hedging: memagari
- hedgehop: terbang rendah diatas tanah
- hedging in: memagari
- hedgehog's dilemma: dilema landak
- hedgehog (weapon): hedgehog (senjata)
- hedingqiao station: stasiun hedingqiao
- And we had to fight through all these fucking hedgerows.
dan kami bertempur di antara tumpukan mayat. - And here they are all hung up in the hedgerow country.
Dan kini mereka tertahan di negeri semak-semak. - Old Arthur Webley's been clipping hedgerows that don't belong to him.
Old Arthur Webley mengklaim tanah yang bukan miliknya. - Peper Harow will fall to the crown, and you will be living in the hedgerow.
Peper Harow akan jatuh ke mahkota, dan kamu akan tinggal di pagar tanaman itu. - We've been slugging through hedgerow country... half an acre a day and we've got to find a way out.
Kami berusaha keras melewati negeri bersemak... setiap ekar per hari dan harus cari jalan keluar. - Under unrelenting Allied pressure, the 7th Army was slowly forced back through the hedgerow country in Normandy.
Di bawah tekanan terus-menerus Sekutu, Angkatan Darat ke-7 perlahan-lahan dipaksa kembali melalui pagar tanaman negara di Normandia. - When all of a sudden, from out of nowhere a guy jumps out of the hedgerow onto this guy's chest.
Namun tiba-tiba, entah dari mana datangnya... Seorang pria melompat dari pagar dan tepat menimpa dadanya. - And once we cross this hedgerow, we will be in range and in their line of sight, so be alert.
Setelah kita lewat jalan utama... Kita akan terlihat oleh mereka, jadi berhati-hatilah, tembak apapun yang bergerak. - Beyond knowledge of the general location of the gun emplacements south of Le Grand Chemin and without information of the other side of the hedgerow, Winters' team attacked Brécourt Manor, located three miles southwest of Utah Beach and north of the village of Sainte-Marie-du-Mont.
Tanpa mengetahui lokasi meriam di selatan Le Grand Chemin dan tanpa informasi apapun dari balik semak-semak, tim Winters menyerang Wisma Brécourt, tiga mil sebelah barat daya Pantai Utah dan sebelah utara desa Sainte-Marie-du-Mont.
- Kata benda
- a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes
Sinonim: hedge,