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herodotus artinya

contoh kalimat "herodotus"
  • Herodotus disguised himself as a dead person like this.
    Herodotus menyamar sebagai orang mati seperti ini.
  • The first such tale was told by Herodotus (Histories 2.2).
    Kisah pertama diceritakan oleh Herodotus (Sejarah 2.2).
  • Most detailed description came down to us from Herodotus.
    Kebanyakan penjelasan rinci berasal dari Herodotus.
  • But it's not my fault that Herodotus took a few
    Tapi itu bukan salahku kalau Herodotus mengambil beberapa
  • Well, unfortunately, Herodotus wasn't exactly explicit.
    Nah, sayangnya, Herodotus tidak mengatakannya dengan pasti.
  • It was Herodotus who first wrote of these waters.
    Herodotos lah yang pertama kali mengisahkan mengenai air sumur ini.
  • According to Herodotus, Otanes was honoured with royal marriages.
    Menurut sejarahwan Yunani kuno Herodotos, Otanes dihargai dengan pernikahan kerajaan.
  • Thus Larissa was subject to the Aleuadae, whence Herodotus (vii.
    Jadi Larissa tunduk pada Alevadai, dari mana Herodotos (vii.
  • Herodotus (fifth-century BCE) and Prodicus made claims of this kind.
    Herodotos (abad ke-5 SM) dan Prodikos mengklaim hal semacam ini.
  • Herodotus also believed that the homeland of the Phoenicians was Bahrain.
    Herodotus juga percaya bahwa tanah air Phoenisian adalah Bahrain.
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