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herself artinya

pengucapan: [ hə:'self, hə'self ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "herself"
  • The South must assert herself by force of arms.
    Selatan harus menegaskan dirinya dengan kekuatan senjata.
  • And how does the bride find herself today?
    Bagaimana kabar sang pengantin dengan kondisinya hari ini?
  • What do you mean, leaving Regan by herself?
    Apa yang kamu maksudkan, meninggalkan Regan oleh dirinya?
  • She forgot herself in the transient gleam of love.
    Dia lupa dirinya di kilau cinta sementara.
  • Here she begs and perhaps sells herself.
    Di sini ia memohon dan mungkin menjual dirinya sendiri.
  • I don't know, whatever, she got herself pregnant.
    Aku tak tahu kenapa, ia hamil dengan sendirinya.
  • Sally Kendrick does have an accomplice - herself.
    Sally Kendrick memang punya kaki tangan, dirinya sendiri.
  • I mean, I don't think she should go by herself.
    Maksudku, dia tidak akan pergi sendirian.
  • And makes herself agreeable to the other sex.
    And makes herself agreable to the other sex.
  • The paramedics told me that she hung herself.
    Paramedis mengatakan kepada aku bahwa ia gantung diri.
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