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hill artinya

pengucapan: [ hil ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: hilled   kata kerja past continuous: hilled   kata benda plural: hills   kata kerja present continuous: hilling   
contoh kalimat "hill"
  • What the sam hill are you yelling for, George?
    Apa bukit sam Anda berteriak untuk, George?
  • We'll go by way of Bay Hill Road.
    Kita akan pergi dengan cara Bay Hill Road.
  • Up the hill with the horses and don't stop!
    Bawa kuda ke atas dan jangan berhenti!
  • There are good men in the hills there.
    Ada orang-orang yang baik di perbukitan di sana.
  • Coyotes came down from the hills and fucked them.
    Coyotes turun dari bukit dan kacau mereka.
  • And the silence and the breeze coming down the hill?
    Dan keheningan dan angin turun bukit?
  • I gave the order to take this hill, sir.
    Aku yang memberi perintah untuk menyerang, Pak.
  • Rumors abound on Capitol Hill that there were
    Banyak desas desus di Capitol Hill, bahwa ada
  • I seen him before. He work at the Fox Hills Mall.
    Aku pernah melihat dia sebelumnya.
  • That story's as old as the hills.
    Kamu terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu di antrian kasir supermarket.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones; "they built small mounds to hide behind"
    Sinonim: mound,

  • (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
    Sinonim: mound, pitcher''s mound,

  • a local and well-defined elevation of the land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"

  • Kata kerja
  • form into a hill