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homegrown artinya

contoh kalimat "homegrown"
  • homefolk:    tetangga
  • homel:    homel; gomel; homyel
  • homecoming (tv series):    homecoming (seri televisi)
  • homeland:    tanah tumpah darah; tanahair; tanah air; homeland; tanah leluhur; negara; ibu pertiwi; bicana; persada; bijana; kota; tanah-air; watan; tempat asal; negara asal
  • homeland (tv series):    homeland (serial tv)
  • Homegrown terrorists are every country's worst nightmare.
    Kelompok separatis merupakan mimpi buruk bagi setiap negara.
  • Budget cuts, plus they have homegrown terrorists to worry about.
    Pemotongan anggaran ditambah masalah teroris di sini.
  • You're accusing our town of some kind of homegrown terrorism?
    Anda menuduh kota kami semacam terorisme homegrown?
  • Set up phony weapons buys for homegrown extremists;
    Mengatur senjata palsu membeli ekstrimis homegrown;
  • And now, let's give a good homegrown welcome... to Dixie.
    Sekarang, mari kita beri sambutan yang meriah untuk Dixie.
  • We got a homegrown version of it here.
    Ada kisah tentang tempat ini.
  • You sell homegrown pot by the ounce, Micky, not by the barrel.
    Kau menjualnya dirumah tersebut, Micky, bukan dengan laras.
  • So, you think this was homegrown?
    menurutmu ini ulah warga kita sendiri?
  • Well, they want to see if he's talking to anybody homegrown.
    Mereka ingin tahu apa dia punya koneksi di Tiongkok.
  • I got evidence of a homegrown terrorist threat to Palm City.
    Aku punya bukti dari ancaman teroris Homegrown ke Palm City.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • grown or originating in a particular place; "stands selling homegrown fruits and vegetables"