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hoorn artinya

contoh kalimat "hoorn"
  • It takes its name from the town of Hoorn, in the Netherlands.
    Nama tanjung ini berasal dari kota Hoorn di Belanda.
  • An East Indiaman off the coast of Hoorn (Lorenzo Castro, earlier than 1686).
    Kapal East Indiaman di lepas pantai Hoorn (Lorenzo Castro, sebelum 1686).
  • In revenge, the team tracks her down and executes her at a houseboat in Hoorn, Netherlands.
    Sebagai balas dendam, mereka melacaknya dan mengeksekusinya di sebuah rumah perahu di Hoorn, Belanda.
  • Ambassador Dr. E.F. Habibi at the opening of the exhibition in the Westfries Museum in Hoorn, 2007.
    Duta besar Dr. E. F. Habibi selama pembukaan di West Frisian Museum di Hoorn, 2007.
  • Jean I de Merode married Adelheid van Hoorn in 1451 and brought Gheel, Diepenbeek and Duffel into the possession of the family.
    Jean I de Merode menikah Adelheid van Hoorn di 1451 dan membawa Gheel, Diepenbeek dan Ransel menjadi milik keluarga.
  • Corine Spier-Rottsch?fer (born on 8 May 1938) in Hoorn, Netherlands is a model and beauty queen who won the 1959 Miss World contest, representing the Netherlands.
    Corine Spier-Rottsch?fer (lahir di Hoorn, Belanda, 8 Mei 1938; umur 80 tahun) adalah seorang model dan ratu kecantikan asal Belanda yang memenangi kontes Miss World 1959.
  • The Dutch also christened the islands of Jaffna in remembrance of Dutch towns, such as Hoorn, Delft, Leiden, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Middelburg and Enkhuizen, but these names (with the exception of Delft) have all but disappeared and have been replaced by their local Tamil names.
    Belanda juga membaptis pulau-pulau Jaffna untuk mengenang kota-kota Belanda, seperti Hoorn, Delft, Leiden, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Middelburg dan Enkhuizen, tetapi nama-nama ini (kecuali Delft) telah hilang tetapi telah diganti oleh nama-nama Tamil setempat.