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howler artinya

contoh kalimat "howler"
  • Quit hurling faeces like a howler monkey, would you?
    Berhenti melempar feses seperti monyet, oke?
  • You bag the howler, bring it home to papa.
    Anda tas dosa besarnya itu, membawanya pulang ke papa.
  • There's a howler monkey special on Discovery Channel tonight.
    Ada acara "howler monkey special" di Discovery Channel malam ini.
  • All Howler Hunters will rendezvous at Base Roman Ruin.
    Semua Howler Hunters akan bertemu di bangunan romawi yang hancur.
  • Oh. A real howler in July, yes?
    Badai salju di bulan Juli, ya.
  • You don't cage a majestic peacock with a howler monkey.
    Jangan mengurung burung merak yang agung dengan monyet yang menyebalkan.
  • Oh, your howler monkeys, of course.
    Oh, monyet2 pengikutmu, tentu saja.
  • Harry Potter POP! Movies Vinyl Figure Ron with Howler 9 cm
    Harry Potter POP! Movies Vinyl Figur Ruebus Hagrid 15 cm
  • Harry Potter POP! Movies Vinyl Figure Ron with Howler 9 cm
    Harry Potter POP! Movies Vinyl Figur Severus Snape 10 cm
  • In related news, doctors say the Night Howler antidote is proving effective... in rehabilitating the afflicted predators.
    Berita terkait, dokter mengatakan penawar Pelolong Malam terbukti efektif dalam merehabilitasi Predator yang menderita.
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