humans artinya
- animals and humans: interaksi manusia–haiwan; manusia dan hewan
- archaic humans: manusia purba
- parasites of humans: parasit manusia
- plants and humans: manusia dan tumbuhan
- animal keeping by humans: pemeliharaan hewan oleh manusia
- control of fire by early humans: pengendalian api oleh manusia purba
- effects of climate change on humans: efek pemanasan global pada manusia
- humans and other species: manusia dan spesies lain
- multiregional origin of modern humans: asal-usul multiregional manusia modern
- sunrise: a song of two humans: filem sunrise; sunrise: a song of two humans
- recent african origin of modern humans: asal usul manusia modern dari afrika
- third singular clitic . humans and anthropomorphised animals: -nya; dia; orang ketiga tunggal
- third singular genitive phrase-level enclitic humans and anthropomorphised animals: -nya; dia punya; orang ketiga tunggal
- humanoid robots: robot humanoid
- humanoid robot: robot humanoid
- humanoid: humanoid; anthropomorphis
- Kata benda
- all of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind'' because `mankind'' seemed to slight the women"
Sinonim: world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, mankind, man,