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hymen artinya

contoh kalimat "hymen"
  • Like he called me "hymen" until I was 12.
    Dia memanggilku "hymen Sampai usiaku 12.
  • Doctor says my hymen is extra thick
    Dokter bilang selaput daraku itu sangat tebal.
  • Just keep on trying to break that hymen okay?
    Teruskan cari celahnya. Oke?
  • I rode him for six years until he broke my hymen.
    Aku menungganginya selama enam tahun sampai ia memecahkan selaput daraku.
  • By the hymen of Olivia Newton-John!
    Demi selaput dara Olivia Newton-John!
  • It's far from your hymen
    Tempatnya jauh dari selaput dara mu.
  • But without breaking my hymen
    Tapi tanpa merobek selaput darahku.
  • The introitus is sometimes partly covered by a membrane called the hymen.
    Introitus kadang-kadang tertutup sebagian oleh membran yang disebut selaput dara.
  • Her hymen was already torn.
    Selaput daranya sudah robek.
  • I felt that the damage to her hymen was not something that happened recently.
    Aku merasa kerusakan selaput daranya terjadi bukan baru-baru ini.
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