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ill-conceived artinya

contoh kalimat "ill-conceived"
  • Did you really think that ill-conceived plan was a good idea?
    Menurutmu itu ide yang bagus?
  • Other than cap, every attempt has been ill-conceived.
    Selain dari Captain America, semua percobaan disalah-artikan.
  • Does this have anything to do with that ill-conceived coup you have been planning?
    Ada hubungannya dengan rencana pengkhianatanmu?
  • I think it's an ill-conceived attempt at super strength.
    Kurasa itu rencana yang salah dalam usaha memiliki kekuatan super.
  • Legislation that was ill-conceived and full of loopholes from the get-go.
    ..RUU yang disalah mengerti itu dan penuh celah dari sejak awal.
  • A fuzzy or ill-conceived exhibit identity and message.
    Identitas dan pesan pameran tidak jelas atau disalahpahami.
  • If I dropped everything to pursue some ill-conceived and asinine flight of fancy,
    Jika aku meletakkan semuanya demi mengejar sebuah khayalan salah kaprah dan konyol,
  • As your ill-conceived trap in Miami proved, you're way out of your league, boy.
    Sejalandenganjebakandarimu di Miami telah terbukti, Kau telah keluar dari jalurmu, Nak.
  • I thought we might have to endure some ill-conceived escape attempt, but not from you.
    Aku sudah menduga akan ada usaha untuk melarikan diri. Tapi tidak dari kau.
  • Well, that's very kind. (Chuckles) Well, suffice it to say, that her facts are as ill-conceived as her intentions.
    Kuyakinkan padamu, yang dia katakan sama sekali tidak benar.
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    Kata sifat
  • poorly conceived or thought out; "an ill-conceived plan to take over the company"
    Sinonim: misguided,