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importance artinya

pengucapan: [ im'pɔ:təns ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "importance"
  • Something of importance had transpired in the exchange.
    Ada hal penting yang berlangsung dalam perubahan ini.
  • "in a matter of the utmost importance to the Reich.
    "Dalam hitungan yg penting untuk Reich.
  • You should know the importance of doing nothing.
    Kau harus tahu pentingnya untuk tidak melakukan apa-apa.
  • The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance.
    Perburuan Avatar menjadi hal yang utama.
  • This is of vital importance, are you aware of that?
    Ini sangat penting, kau tahu itu?
  • You've obviously underestimated the importance of auditions at this school
    Kau meremehkan pentingnya audisi disekolah ini.
  • .. who doesn't give brother any importance?
    .. yang tidak memberikan kakak apapun yang penting ?
  • Who understand the importance of preserving this biodiversity.
    Siapa yang memahami pentingnya pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati ini.
  • This fracture showed me the importance of my legs.
    Tragedi ini menunjukkanku betapa pentingnya kakiku ini.
  • Dave, you may be overestimating your importance to Foxcatcher.
    Mungkin kau terlalu membesarkan keberadaanmu di Foxcatcher.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the quality of being important and worthy of note; "the importance of a well-balanced diet"

  • a prominent status; "a person of importance"
    Sinonim: grandness,