Masuk Daftar

importation artinya

pengucapan: [ ˌimpɔ:'teiʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: importations   
contoh kalimat "importation"
  • You're under arrest for the importation and sale of contraband firearm.
    Kau ditangkap kerana mengimport dan menjual senjata api.
  • The first crisis was a confrontation over the illegal importation of slaves.
    Krisis pertama terkait dengan impor budak yang ilegal.
  • 1808 – Importation of slaves is banned.
    1808 Impor budak resmi dilarang.
  • The infection subsequently reached England following the importation of cattle from the continent.
    Infeksi kemudian mencapai Inggris setelah pengimporan ternak dari benua Asia.
  • Tight restrictions on importation of cattle from countries
    pembatasan ketat pada impor sapi dari negara
  • Importation and distribution of decorative mouldings from PCI, China.
    Mengimpor dan memasarkan produk decorative moulding merk PCI, China.
  • Yiwu Xuanyi importation & Export Co., Ltd
    Wenzhou YONO Imp & Exp Co., Ltd
  • Bruges had had the exclusive rights for the importation of sheep's wool from England.
    Brugge memiliki hak eksklusif untuk mengimpor bulu wol dari Inggris.
  • Sale, importation, and possession of alcohol are banned in the village.
    Penjualan alkohol, keanggotaan dalam persatuan dan segala bentuk perjudian dilarang di kota itu.
  • importation of Unitarian (Socinian) books and Parliament made the denial of the
    buku-buku Unitarian (Sosinia) dan Perlemen membuat penyangkalan terhadap
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods from a foreign country
    Sinonim: importing,

  • commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
    Sinonim: import,