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impose artinya

pengucapan: [ im'pəuz ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "impose"
  • So you, you, governor, would impose a death penalty.
    Jadi, kau...anda gubernur akan menjatuhkan hukuman mati?
  • No need to impose on these nice gentlemen anymore.
    Tidak perlu mengganggu Tuan-tuan yang baik ini lagi.
  • You know, I really don't want to impose.
    Kau tahu, aku benar-benar tidak ingin memaksa.
  • Don't wanna impose on your little dysfunctions, so
    Tidak ingin memaksakan pada disfungsi kecilmu, jadi
  • That's sweet, but I wouldn't wanna impose.
    Kau baik sekali, tapi aku tak ingin mengganggu.
  • We just don't want to impose, is all.
    Kami hanya tak mau membebani, itu saja.
  • Brother, I need to impose on you again
    Brother, saya harus memaksakan pada Anda lagi
  • But I can't impose on you like this, Constance.
    Tapi aku tak bisa merepotkanmu, Constance.
  • I couldn't impose on your hospitality any longer, sir.
    Aku tak bisa mengambil kesempatan keramahanmu lagi, pak.
  • Thank you, but I don't want to impose.
    Terima kasih, tapi saya tak ingin memaksakan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"
    Sinonim: inflict, bring down, visit,

  • impose and collect; "levy a fine"
    Sinonim: levy,

  • compel to behave in a certain way; "Social relations impose courtesy"
    Sinonim: enforce,