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improbable artinya

contoh kalimat "improbable"
  • To the coming true of your most improbable dream.
    Bahwa impian paling mustahil kita menjadi kenyataan
  • Well, that's improbable considering he lives in Portland.
    Yah, tidak mungkin mengingat dia tinggal di Portland.
  • Historically, this series of events is extremely improbable.
    Secara historis, rangkaian peristiwa tersebut tampak sangat mustahil.
  • Miracles are just events that are extremely improbable.
    Keajaiban hanyalah peristiwa yang sangat tidak mungkin.
  • Containment security gentlemen Getting In Is highly Improbable
    Keamanan memuaskan, tuan-Tuan. Masuk ke dalam sangat tak mungkin.
  • Cosmically improbable coincidences-- they happen all the time.
    Kebetulan mustahil secara kosmik, terjadi setiap saat.
  • In our line of work, improbable means not an accident.
    Sejalan kerja kami, mustahil berarti bukan kecelakaan.
  • My boy, that is one outstandingly improbable name.
    Oh, sungguh nama yang luar biasa aneh.
  • I realise this is highly improbable.
    Saya menyadari hal ini adalah benar-benar tidak mungkin.
  • On November 20, the improbable happened.
    Pada tanggal 20 Mei tersebut, aksi berjalan meriah.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred; "legislation on the question is highly unlikely"; "an improbable event"
    Sinonim: unlikely,

  • Kata sifat
  • too improbable to admit of belief; "a tall story"
    Sinonim: marvelous, marvellous, tall,

  • having a probability too low to inspire belief
    Sinonim: unbelievable, unconvincing, unlikely,