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imprudent artinya

contoh kalimat "imprudent"
  • It's imprudent... to keep all these traitorous Japanese souvenirs.
    Itu kelalaian... menyimpan semua souvenir dari Jepang.
  • I can't believe how imprudent you are.
    Aku tidak bisa percaya bagaimana borosnya diri mu.
  • He's as imprudent as his father was at his age.
    Dia sama gila dengan ayahnya waktu seusia dia.
  • There was something too contorted about it, to imprudent.
    Tampaknya terlalu rumit. Terlalu ceroboh.
  • He saved him from an imprudent marriage.
    Dia menghindarkan temannya dari pernikahan merugikan.
  • Very imprudent to make your presence known in unsettled country.
    Sangat ceroboh membuat kehadiranmu diketahui di daerah tak berpenghuni.
  • This turned out to be an imprudent step for their interests.
    Tindakan ini terbukti berdampak buruk terhadap kedisiplinan mereka.
  • "This imprudent act of aggression has resulted in a swift response.
    "Ini tindakan agresi ceroboh telah menghasilkan respon yang cepat.
  • I think I was imprudent to air her ardent love on national radio.
    Saya pikir saya tidak bijaksana untuk udara cinta bersemangat nya di radio nasional.
  • Alter and edit your substance on the grounds that a blog entry peppered with sorts and different imprudent oversights is simply remorseless
    Mengubah dan mengedit substansi Anda dengan alasan bahwa entri blog dibumbui dengan berbagai macam dan kelalaian yang tidak tepat sama sekali tidak berdaya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata sifat
  • not prudent or wise; "very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas"; "would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy"- A.M.Schlesinger

  • Kata sifat
  • lacking wise self-restraint; "an imprudent remark"