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inauguration artinya

pengucapan: [ iˌnɔ:gju'reiʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: inaugurations   
contoh kalimat "inauguration"
  • Mr. President, we advise delaying the inauguration ceremony.
    Bapak Presiden, kami menyarankan menunda upacara peresmian.
  • The inauguration of this will be successful, you will see!
    Peresmian ini akan berhasil, kau akan melihatnya!
  • Welcome to inauguration the largest amphitheater in the world!
    Selamat datang di peresmian amfiteater terbesar di dunia!
  • The inauguration took place on 23 July 2001.
    Peresmian berlangsung pada tanggal 23 Juli 2001.
  • Earlier, I'd be invited for bridge inaugurations.
    EarIier, aku akan diundang untuk pelantikan jembatan.
  • Before the Inauguration? Don't spend too much money on the flubdubs.
    Jangan menghamburkan uang untuk orang-orang yang gagal.
  • The inauguration of America's first female Vice President, Natalie Maccabee.
    Inagurasi Wakil Presiden wanita pertama Amerika, Natalie Maccabee.
  • He wanted you to do it at the inauguration ball.
    Dia ingin kau melakukannya di saat acara pelantikan.
  • Tomorrow night at the inauguration, wearing a wire.
    Besok malam di acara pelantikan itu. Kau akan memakai penyadap.
  • Soeman conducted the formal inauguration ceremony in 1962.
    Soeman menghadiri acara pembukaan formal-nya 1962.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of starting a new operation or practice; "he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation"; "the startup of the new factory was delayed by strikes"
    Sinonim: startup,

  • the ceremonial induction into a position; "the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration"
    Sinonim: inaugural,