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industrial artinya

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contoh kalimat "industrial"
  • I need something toxic, something industrial. OK?
    Aku butuh sesuatu yang beracun, sesuatu yang beraroma kuat.
  • In other news, the industrial fire continues to rage
    Berita lainnya, pencemaran industri terus saja berlangsung
  • The party's in a warehouse just inside the industrial sector.
    Pestanya ada di gudang sektor industrial.
  • Firebaugh's truck was found in the southeast industrial.
    Truk Firebaugh itu ditemukan di bagian tenggara perindustrian.
  • It's basically the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
    Pada dasarnya itu adalah permulaan dari Revolusi Industri.
  • Industrial sugar production started slowly in Hawaii.
    Produksi gula secara industrial dimulai secara lambat di Hawaii.
  • Many industrial materials derive directly from biological sources.
    Banyak bahan industri berasal langsung dari sumber biologis.
  • Its industrial base is in chemicals, concrete, and steel.
    Pangkalan industrinya adalah kimia, beton, dan baja.
  • This affects the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
    Konsumennya adalah sektor rumah tangga, komersial dan industri.
  • "Koreas start talks on reopening joint industrial factory".
    "Industri Rafinasi Kunci Pembuka Restrukturisasi Industri Gula Indonesia".
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation"

  • of or relating to or resulting from industry; "industrial output"

  • Kata sifat
  • suitable to stand up to hard wear; "industrial carpeting"

  • employed in industry; "the industrial classes"; "industrial work"