inexhaustibly artinya
- inexhaustible: banyak sekali; tidak habis-habisnya; tak kunjung habis
- inexhaustibility: keberlimpahan
- inexistent: tidak ujud
- inexhaustable: sangat banyak
- inexorability: keganasan
- inexcusably: buruk sekali; samasekali palsu
- inexorable: tak dapat diubah; garang; keras kepala; teguh; berkeras; tegar; degil; tegar hati; keras hati
- inexcusable: tidak dapat dimaafkan; tak termaafkan; tak terampunkan
- inexorableness: keganasan
- Keterangan
- with indefatigable energy; "she watched the show indefatigably"
Sinonim: indefatigably, tirelessly, indefatigably, tirelessly, - with indefatigable energy; "she watched the show indefatigably"
Sinonim: indefatigably, tirelessly, indefatigably, tirelessly,