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ingredient artinya

pengucapan: [ in'gri:diənt ]  audio:
kata benda plural: ingredients   
contoh kalimat "ingredient"
  • They'd buy it from the shop as raw ingredients.
    Mereka membelinya dari toko sebagai bahan mentah.
  • You got any more of that secret ingredient, Bones?
    Anda punya ramuan rahasia itu lagi, Bones?
  • All the ingredients have to cook together just right.
    Semua bumbu2 harus dimasak bersama-sama dengan baik.
  • I mean, it does depend on the quality of the ingredients.
    Eh.iya, emang bener "bumbu-nya ngaruh".
  • And the most important ingredient of all our friendship.
    Dan yang paling penting semua persahabatan kami.
  • Different ingredients need different kinds of cutting skills.
    Bahan yang berbeda memerlukan berbagai macam pemotongan keterampilan.
  • The ingredients for making bean cube pudding is simple.
    Bahan-bahan untuk membuat puding kacang kubus sederhana.
  • Master Tin, how can you get these ingredients
    guru Tin, bagaimana kau bisa mendapatkan bahan ini
  • They're the ingredients in the medicinal packets
    Cnidium, daisy berduri, ararut, bunga balon, dan kesemek kering.
  • That I could have traded the Viking's ingredient for my
    Bahwa bahan Viking aku mengubah aku
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a component of a mixture or compound

  • an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"
    Sinonim: component, constituent, element, factor,

  • food that is a component of a mixture in cooking; "the recipe lists all the fixings for a salad"
    Sinonim: fixings,