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insatiable artinya

contoh kalimat "insatiable"
  • Hooke's insatiable curiosity encompassed absolutely everything.
    Rasa ingin tahu tak pernah puas Hooke mencakup benar-benar segalanya.
  • But we've not got an insatiable greed for money.
    Tapi kami bukan serakah karena uang.
  • The woman has an insatiable curiosity.
    Wanita itu memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tak terpuaskan.
  • As I recall, your appetite was always insatiable.
    Seperti yang kuingat, seleramu selalu tak terpuaskan.
  • It's just this sexual hunger I have. It's insatiable.
    Hanya saja, kelaparan seksualku yang tak pernah terpuaskan.
  • An insatiable hunger he just can't seem to fill.
    Kelaparan yang tak bisa dia penuhi.
  • But the greed of Cortés was insatiable.
    Tetapi keserakahan Cortés itu tak pernah puas.
  • Krona was a tyrant with insatiable aggression, Sinestro.
    Krona adalah seorang tiran dengan agresi tak pernah puas, Sinestro.
  • Give me the goods. Is he insatiable?
    Katakan, apa ia tak pernah puas?
  • And William's appetite for destruction and rampage was insatiable.
    Dan William selera kehancuran dan mengamuk itu tak pernah puas.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • impossible to satisfy; "an insatiate appetite"; "an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore"; "his passion for work was unsatiable"
    Sinonim: insatiate, unsatiable,