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intrusion artinya

kata benda plural: intrusions   
contoh kalimat "intrusion"
  • Pardon my intrusion, I saw a light.
    Maaf kalau aku mengganggu. Aku tadi melihat ada cahaya.
  • Beneath this ridge is a solid granite intrusion.
    Di bawah punggungan ini intrusi granit yang solid.
  • But this intrusion shall now seeming sweet convert to bitt'rest gall.
    Putri... ibumu ingin bicara denganmu.
  • From what we can tell, you're experiencing a cyber intrusion.
    Menurut kami, kau mengalami gangguan cyber.
  • Pardon the intrusion, but dinner is served.
    Maaf atas gangguan ini, tapi makan malam sudah diap.
  • I have been more than patient with your intrusions.
    Aku sudah sangat sabar dengan gangguanmu.
  • My brothers, forgive the intrusion, But we have travelled far.
    saudaraku, maaf mengganggu, kami datang dari jauh..
  • Forgive my intrusion, one must be vigilant.
    Maafkan atas gangguanku. Ada orang yang harus diwaspadai.
  • However, your opinion is as inappropriate as this intrusion.
    Bagaimanapun, opinimu tak sopan, sama seperti gangguan ini.
  • Raven's writing a patch to seal the intrusion.
    Raven sedang membuat kode untuk menghentikan gangguannya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • entrance by force or without permission or welcome

  • entry to another''s property without right or permission
    Sinonim: trespass, encroachment, violation, usurpation,

  • any entry into an area not previously occupied; "an invasion of tourists"; "an invasion of locusts"
    Sinonim: invasion, encroachment,

  • rock produced by an intrusive process

  • the forcing of molten rock into fissures or between strata of an earlier rock formation