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joe artinya

contoh kalimat "joe"
  • You could call Joe the Plumber, for example.
    Contohnya Anda dapat memanggil Joe si tukang ledeng.
  • Yeah, old "Joe College" Wainwright they call me.
    Ya, lama "Joe College" Wainwright mereka memanggil saya.
  • It's Joe Starrett's anniversary, the Fourth of July.
    Ini perayaan ulang tahun Joe Starrett, Empat Juli.
  • Sing loud so's Dr Joe will hear you!
    Bernyanyi keras sehingga Dr Joe akan mendengar Anda!
  • "Mr. Joe Grant wants you for his wife."
    "Mr Joe Grant ingin Anda untuk istrinya. "
  • You're too smart to let that happen, Joe.
    Kau terlalu pintar untuk membiarkan itu terjadi, Joe.
  • We can't very well just kick Joe out.
    Kami tak bisa mengusir joe keluar secepat itu.
  • Little Joe was blowing on the slide trombone
    Little Joe was blowing on the slide trombone
  • Do you wanna lose Joe and the girl?
    Apa kau mau kehilangan Joe dan perempuan itu?
  • Why do you think they call him "crazy joe"?
    Menurut kalian kenapa mereka menyebutnya "Joe Edan"?
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