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joseph artinya

contoh kalimat "joseph"
  • Joseph, now show him what happened today.
    Yusuf, sekarang menunjukkan kepadanya apa yang terjadi hari ini.
  • And these gentlemen are Alf, Ted and Joseph.
    Dan tuan-tuan ini adalah Alf, Ted dan Yusuf.
  • You had two calls after Joseph went to bed.
    Kau dapat dua panggilan setelah Joseph tidur.
  • Like, the whole sanitation thing. Joseph Lister, 1895.
    Seperti "The Whole Sanitation Thing" Joseph Lister, 1895.
  • In the Old Testament there is the story of Joseph.
    Dalam Perjanjian Lama ada cerita Yusuf.
  • My brother joseph and i have had two families.
    Adikku Joseph and aku mempunyai dua keluarga.
  • Why didn't he have you save his brother joseph?
    Mengapa ia tidak menyuruhmu menyelamatkan Abangnya Joseph?
  • And when joseph found out, you killed him.
    Dan saat Joseph menemukan hal itu, kau membunuhnya.
  • Joseph Kinkirk has been put to death in a Missouri state prison.
    Kamiakanmengambiltindakanlebihlanjut atas eksekusi ini
  • Joseph, I'm really sorry to bring such awful news.
    Joseph, maaf sudah membawa kabar mengerikan ini.
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