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journal artinya

pengucapan: [ 'dʒə:nl ]  audio:
kata benda plural: journals   
contoh kalimat "journal"
  • No, it's about a guy who keeps a journal.
    Bukan, ini tentang seseorang yang membuat jurnal.
  • This journal is his gift to you, Milo.
    Catatan harian ini adalah karunia-Nya kepada kamu, Milo.
  • David thought the journal would satisfy my curiosity.
    David menduga catatan akan memuaskan rasa ingin tahuku.
  • I'm not finding anything on it in dad's journal.
    aku tidak menemukan apapun di Jurnal Ayah.
  • I heard you found a really cool journal
    Aku dengar kamu menemukan jurnal yang sangat keren
  • The truth is, Journal, I'm attracted to men.
    Yang benar adalah, Journal, Saya tertarik pada pria.
  • I found the journal thingies you were looking for.
    Aku menemukan semacam jurnal yang kau cari.
  • My name is Marty Klinkenberg, with the Telegraph Journal.
    Nama saya Marty Klinkenberg, Dari Telegraph Journal.
  • You have to read those journals.
    Utamakan keluarga, seperti kata ayah. Tapi saat kita menghadapi ini
  • The grimoires, her journals. We lost it all during Katrina.
    grimoires, jurnal hilang saat badai Katrina.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the part of the axle contained by a bearing

  • a record book as a physical object

  • a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations
    Sinonim: diary,

  • a periodical dedicated to a particular subject; "he reads the medical journals"

  • a ledger in which transactions have been recorded as they occurred
    Sinonim: daybook,