junimea artinya
- junimea
- junichiro koizumi: junichirō koizumi; junichiro koizumi
- juninho (footballer, born 1977): carlos alberto carvalho dos anjos junior
- junichi watanabe (footballer, born 1973): junichi watanabe
- juninho (footballer, born 1994): junior silva ferreira
- juninho (footballer, born july 1982): osvaldo josé martins júnior
- juninho (footballer, born may 1989): junior aparecido guimaro de souza
- Junimea was the most influential intellectual and political association from Romania in the 19th century.
Junimea adalah asosiasi intelektual dan politik yang paling berpengaruh di Rumania pada abad ke-19. - Titu Maiorescu's Junimea literary circle, founded in 1863 and frequented by many Romanian writers, played an important role in Romanian literature.
Lingkaran sastra Titu Maiorescu, Junimea, didirikan pada tahun 1863 dan sering dikunjungi oleh banyak penulis Rumania.