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kab-500kr artinya

contoh kalimat "kab-500kr"
  • kab-500kr
  • The KAB-500Kr is analogous to the American GBU-15 weapon.
    KAB-500KR serupa dengan senjata GBU-15 Amerika.
  • In addition to the full arsenal of weapons of the standard Su-25, the Su-25T can employ the KAB-500Kr TV-guided bomb and the semi-active laser-guided Kh-25ML.
    Selain persenjataan lengkap senjata standar Su-25, Su-25T dapat menggunakan bom KAB-500Kr TV-dipandudan semi-aktif dipandu laser Kh-25ml.
  • The technology of KAB-500Kr is also used for larger bombs, such as KAB-1500Kr based on the 1500 kg class FAB-1500 iron bomb.
    Teknologi KAB-500KR juga digunakan untuk bom yang lebih besar, seperti KAB-1500KR berdasarkan bom besi kelas 1500 kg FAB-1500. ^ Dr C Kopp.