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kefir artinya

contoh kalimat "kefir"
  • kefir
  • Let the child drink more water, compote, kefir;
    biarkan anak minum lebih banyak air, kolak, kefir;
  • Kefir diet for weight loss for the week
    Kefir diet untuk menurunkan berat badan selama seminggu
  • Milk Kefir - 3g dehydrated Milk Kefir grains
    Water Kefir - 80g live water kefir grains
  • Milk Kefir - 3g dehydrated Milk Kefir grains
    Water Kefir - 80g live water kefir grains
  • What are good homemade face masks with kefir
    Apa bagusnya masker wajah buatan rumah dengan kefir
  • Water Kefir Starter Cultures, direct-set starter cultures, 2x5g
    Water Kefir - 80g live water kefir grains
  • Water Kefir - 5g dehydrated Water Kefir grains
    Milk Kefir - 15g live milk kefir grains
  • Water Kefir - 5g dehydrated Water Kefir grains
    Milk Kefir - 15g live milk kefir grains
  • Dairy (lactic acid fermentation), e.g. yogurt, buttermilk, kefir
    susu (fermentasi asam laktat), misalnya yoghurt, dadih, kefir
  • Group of enterprises ?Milk Alliance? Products Kefir, ayran Yagotynske
    Ayran, 2,0% fat PET bottle, 450 g
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5